Oatlands Park Hotel

8th September, 2015 | Article By Lesley Tan

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Many years ago in the 70’s, I worked in the Audience Research Department of the BBC. The friends I made there have remained friends till this day and we thoroughly enjoy reunions.

This year the 4 Star Oatlands Park Hotel in Weybridge, Surrey, was chosen as the venue. It is used as a lovely venue for weddings, meetings and get-togethers (like ours) and by people just wanting to relax and have a break.

The hotel, is situated on the Oatlands Estate, built around the turn of the 18th Century, on the site of what was once a grand royal Tudor palace.

I took a walk around this splendid hotel and was very impressed with the golf facilities, tennis court, lake and beautifully manicured gardens, it is very easy on the eyes. Inside is also impressive, beautiful hanging tapestries and ornate decorations on almost every wall and a glass dome over the entrance, which keeps the place bright and warm.

We had a lovely time reminiscing and taking and sharing photos, which I put immediately online as there is free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.

The service was good, the coffee and food well presented and delicious, and there is also a bar serving the usual drinks.

A very grand hotel indeed, which is not too far from the town of Weybridge. It is also easily accessed from Weybridge station, by taxi or even on foot, if you wish.

By Lesley Tan

Lesley Tan
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